General information


Address: Industrijska 1, 21220 Bečej, Serbia

Phone: +381 21 6915 311, +381 21 6911 620

Established: 22 June 1977

VAT number: 100741587

Company ID number: 08114072

Current account:
Banca Intesa 160-932270-67
Unicredit 170-30005711000-71
Societe Generale 275-220008794-72
Erste 340-11005142-06


Company management

General Manager: Marko Abramović
Director of Quality: Aleksandra Petrić
Director of production and technical department: Milan Ševo
Executive Director of Sales: Željko Bubnjević
Executive Director of Finance: Biljana Zlokolica
Executive Director of Legal and General Affairs: Petar Dolinka