Conference on the Production and Processing of Oilseeds held for the 57th time

The 57th Conference on the Production and Processing of Oilseeds themed “Innovations for a better world” was held from June 19 to 24, in Herceg Novi. The Conference was organized by the Faculty of Technology of the University of Novi Sad, the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, the Industrial crops business association, and the oil industry's Council of technologists, with the traditional participation of 4 member companies of Victoria Group: Victoria Logistic, Victoriaoil, Sojaprotein, and SP Laboratorija.
The Conference was opened by Srđan Popov, the General Manager of Victoriaoil, who greeted about 80 conference delegates. During this five-day event, experts from various fields of production and processing of oilseeds presented numerous papers and shared their experiences.
Experts from Victoria Group participated by presenting several papers. Victoriaoil and Victoria Logistic presented a paper on the selection of sunflower hybrids for the purposes of industrial processing, authored by: Vladimir Šarac, Zorica Stojanović, Dr. Duško Marinković, Ljubica Vukićević, and Natalija Kurjak. Sojaprotein presented three papers on the subject of soy protein concentrates. On behalf of a group of authors, Jovana Doroslovac presented a paper entitled “The Color of Soy Protein Concentrate Produced in Two Ways (double FDS and SFD)”, Branislav Sremčev presented “The Effect of Adding a Solvent on the Press Operation in the Plant for SPC Production” on behalf of a group of authors, while Zorica Belić’s presentation on behalf of a group of authors focused on “The Quality of High-protein Porridge Containing Soy Protein Concentrate”. Ljiljana Vujačić from SP Laboratorija gave her contribution to the Conference by discussing, also on behalf of a group of authors, the trends in the production and control of natural vegetable oils.